My Site

October 07, 2011


Before getting to the post today, can I just say it's been a good blog day? I got picked as a favorite photo over at  'and then she {snapped}', which alone made my day! Then I signed back in a little while later (did I mention how crappy the weather is?) and saw that my blog was up on For the Love of Blogs! Okay. My week is officially made in blogland! Not to mention I'm spending my weekend with kids, ponies, the boyfriend& parents. I won't be complaining, that's for sure :) Now onto the post ..which you guys won't be reading until Friday because I'm not putting it up til then. Ahh the joys of advance writing ;)

Someecards cracks me up. I'm pretty sure if you look around here, I've already written about them. I could just post an appropriate someecard a day& call my blog done. There is a card for everyone. Allow me to demonstrate!

For my mother? A MINI someecard!

For my dad? Truer words have never been written.

For my brother? So appropriate.

For the boyfriend? I think this is basically perfect.

Okay ..I'm done now. Does anyone else get sucked into reading dozens of cards from that website?! It cracks me up big time. So if you have a favorite and/or read the website on occasion, feel free to let me know what ones make you laugh out loud!

I am promise I am spending today trying to capture some great photos for day 3 -clouds. I may fail on this theme. Plus my other option is hanging out with sweet kids& talking to my parents about their trip to Vegas!

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