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September 22, 2011

Hier soir

Last night for those of you who don't speak French ;) I spent last night with my boyfriend ..which was nice because it feels like it's been awhile since we've done more than both complain about how exhausted we are. We had a gift certificate for Boston Pizza (thanks, dad!) so we enjoyed a delicious meal ..I had penne pasta with Alfredo baked in cheese. If you should know anything about me it should be that that is my absolute hands down most favorite meal ever. Seriously. It is so heavenly. I also forgot to order a half serving and so instead I got to eat 75% of a whole dish. I couldn't finish it all off and am currently regretting not having them wrap it so I could take it home.

It was after our meal, however, that things got fun! First, we went for a drive downtown and got greeted with a cruise ship that was in. So we took some photos and amazed over the sheer size of it. I tried to get a good photo but that wasn't really happening. I made Garret pose to try to give some example of the size of it ..but again, I failed miserably at that. So instead, I present you with the following;

Yes. I had to use words& symbols to get the point across ..but that fiddle is massive. As the sun set and we enjoyed watching the ship pull away (of which I got a photo which is sort of cool and I'll post it in a bit), we also decided to play with the fiddle. Or, Garret decided to pose in front of it like he was playing it. I didn't quite get the concept at first but because he is a patient guy, we eventually figured it out between the two of us. Only took four shots to get it right. I have a very fast learning curve ;) I won't post the failed attempts because really ..who wants to see failure?! Allow me to focus your attention on my successes! I have titled this piece 'Fiddler on the dock'

Just some practice so when we finally end up in Italy, I'll be able to take a really rockin' photo of him& the leaning tower! The photo isn't the best because it was getting late so I had to jack the ISO wayyy up in order to not have just a glowing fiddle and a boyfriend lost in the dark. It makes me laugh& turned out pretty good, all things considered! It was such a beautiful evening. Nice to see the giant cruise ship& the people who arrived on it ..we waved while they were leaving the dock (because it's not like we constantly get cruise ships or anything `insert rolling eye face here`) and one of them kept snapping photos of Garret& I. Which was kind of creepy ..but funny at the same time. Maybe he wants to leave all his millions to us when he dies?! A girl can dream, right?

So after we got bored of watching the ship leave, we left. Funny thing happened as we were leaving. There were tons of cars stopped and everyone was out looking at something. Being the curious people that we are, we decided to find out. LUCKY FOR US. There were three foxes .. they were so cute and friendly. My boyfriend is convinced that the friendliest one was just trying to get close enough to gnaw my arm or off something. I, however, remain firm in my belief that I am an animal whisperer and the fox loved me more than anything. He tried to get super close until the other people scared him away! How rude. At this point, the night was really dark but I still managed to get a good shot of my future pet.

I love this shot. He doesn't even look real. Also anytime someone mentions the word fox, I instantly think of Fredyrk Phox. 'Cute cuddly little baby foxxx' is all that I will quote for now but if you're interested in seeing something that I find completely hilarious and 100% not politically correct, click here! Fair warning? It's not for the following-
  • Small children
  • Easily offended
  • Refined sense of humor
If you don't fall into those categories, go have a look& tell me if it makes you laugh nearly as much as it makes me laugh. I've watched just about every video this guy has made& one evening my girlfriends& I made some hilarious videos of them. I may, someday, post them. When I don't need people to ever take me seriously again or require someone to employ me. Yes, they are that embarrassing! Now I'm off to watch a documentary on Warren Jeffs (who I always want to call Warren Gordon ..the name of a local photographer who I'm pretty sure isn't the leader of a polygamist cult). Hope you enjoyed my recap of date night!