Phemia passing away led to quite the adventure for Garret and I on Tuesday evening though. Matthew left STU and got the bus to Truro, where Garret and I picked him up. Now, if it were any two other people in the world besides myself and my boyfriend .. this trip would have been smooth sailing. Due to it being us, however, we encountered a massive amount of snow and ice. It started in Baddeck and progressively got worse as we traveled. We went between 50 - 60 the whole way .. it was us in the Civic and transfer trucks. The roads were a mess .. we left at 7.30PM and arrived at the Truro bus stop at 12AM. After that, we turned around and drove home. We arrived home at 6.20AM. So yes, that would be 10 hours and 50 minutes to get to Truro and back. It was, needless to say, painful. It was also, however, a recurring trend in how Garret and I travel. Allow me a quick review of trips in storms:
1. Truro to get Matthew: Snow storm.
2. Halifax for Alicia& Nick's wedding: Rain and wind storm.
3. Halifax for shopping: Rain / sleet / snow storm.
4. Halifax to catch plane for Cuba: Massive snow storm.
5. Halifax with Rob to pick Garret up: Rain and wind storm.
And really, that is just what can think of off the top of my head. We have probably only traveled 3 - 4 times where the weather wasn't absolutely terrible. It would be funny if it wasn't so not funny. It is like God sees us get in vehicle to travel more than 40 minutes and BAM. Storm .. just in case we were planning on enjoying our drive. Thanks, God.
We did survive the drive, and everyone slept peacefully and for a long time. Except me. I slept for 1.5 hours. Since Wednesday morning I have added 5 more hours of sleep to that. Fabulousss.
So then on Wednesday we did a whole lot of nothing .. and then Thursday, A.K.A yesterday, we went to the wake for 2 hours and I could not go back from 7 - 9. Instead, we went out to Don Cherry's where I had a delicious chicken quesadilla and Cherry chips. Yum.
Easily the highlight of yesterday? Baby Grady and baby Finn, Garret's nephews. They are so sweet and so I spent all evening giving kisses to Finn and pretending to steal Grady's toes (a much more humane version of what was done to the children in my family ahahah). We ate some ice cream .. watched some X-Weighted and Last 10 Pounds and then Garret and the kids went to bed, so I went home ahahah.
Now, it's Friday. Tonight I am planning on doing nothing . if I could sleep, that would be wonderful. As it stands, I will probably lay awake and watch Big Bang Theory until early hours in the morning. Then, I will text Margaret and we will go to the gym and break a sweat. After that, I may or may not shower before heading into my favorite place in the entire world: COGANS! YAY. If I smell, perhaps fewer customers will try to engage in prolonged conversations with me. This is a theory definitely worth testing out.
The thing I am looking most forward to in the coming days is, quite obviously, my very first ever attempt at hot yoga (Bikram) on Monday! I was alright at yoga in my P90X days, however .. it has been months since I've even really bothered to stretch so this will be an adventure. Thank goodness for Meghan, who will probably kick my ass but at least we will be able to laugh about the whole thing. I'm just praying I don't pass out or do something else equally awkward.
Long life update #1: Complete.
Quick update to this update: I have officially started Project 365. Welcome to your first installment of photo I've taken+ written words. I present: A flower. Hopefully my creativity will increase or else you folks are getting a lot of flowers and puppies over the next 364 days!

1 comment:
I'm jealous. Just sayin'...
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