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December 29, 2012

Top 12

Okay so my top 12 photos of 2012.. here goes nothing! I'll switch between my two pups :) The first six will be my favorite photos of my old senior dog, Squirt. Everyone who has read this blog before has probably encountered him& will remember him. He's ancient& just so ugly he is cute as can be! So, get comfy& enjoy six photos of Squirty in the light box :D

1. I started taking photos of my pooch once a week for Project 365+1 ;) How long did it last? About two months. Yes, I failed miserably. That said, I'll always be grateful to have these sweet photos of my pup hating life with props ;) This is Squirt on his very own dapper dog bed. He hates it& never went near it again after this photo was taken. Typical.

2. This photo really shows off Squirt's softer side ;) He was channeling his inner ballerina for this one. This is one of my all-time favorite photos of my sweet little senior. I don't know what it is about it, but the look on his face just cracks me up every time I look at it!

3. Bad dogs destroy things. Squirt is too old to be a bad dog now so in order to get this shot, I set everything up, brought him downstairs& stuck candy canes in the very back of the garbage can! Then I snapped my camera& voila! It was like a flashback to his youthful (and bad) years. Then I made him help me clean up ;)

4. Squirt in a basket? How handsome is he? Very! I think you can tell from the look on his face that he absolutely hates the world& especially being a model! He was SO cranky at me for having to sit in a basket& look at me. Poor guy ..your world is so rough.

5. The only thing better than one Squirt? Two Squirts! This was my first attempt at combining two photos& I think I did a fairly decent job. I think if you look closely, you can see where I merged them but I'll take it. This shoot took FOREVER but was worth it in the end. I don't think Squirt would agree with that statement but thankfully, he can't type so we'll never know ;)

6. Squirt in a scarf. Love how simple this photo is.. it really captures his complete scruffy looks! They wouldn't work for a lot of dogs, but he really pulls it off!

Okay, so we made it through six photos of Mr. Squirt. Now onto my newest doggy addition, Penny. She is a 6 month old Hungarian Vizsla. Does anyone out there have this breed or even know it?! I'd be so excited to hear from you guys if you answer yes to either one of those! The breed isn't very well-known around here in Cape Breton.

1. I love, love, love this shot. I think, more than anything, the difference in style between my Penny& Squirt shots shows some serious growth in my photography. Plus, how gorgeous is my baby girl?! Feel free to leave a comment about how you wish your kids were this good looking ;)

2. Penny makes a new friend at the dog park. She's such a floozy.. she had only known this little pup for about 5 minutes before she was kissing her in broad daylight! Penny, have you no shame?! I like this photo for the simplicity of sweet puppy hellos!

3. Penny as a puppy running full tilt towards her momma! The ears just get me every. single. time. There is just something hilarious about a little Vizsla with ears twice as big as her head. They are down& look reasonable in this photo ..keep checking back for some funnier ones in upcoming posts!

5. This was Penny at the breeders, before we even knew we were taking her home! I feel in love with this pup& then, as luck would have it, the breeder puppy tested her& she matched us perfectly. How sweet was she even at 5wks old? The answer is incredibly sweet!

6. My favorite photo of Penny ever taken. This was the first day we brought her home. Outside playing in the yard. Far from perfect, technically speaking, but I just adore this photo. Something about how GIANT her ears seem& the sweet little expression on her face. Oh, Penny. You rock.

Okay guys! Your turn. Link up your favorite 12 photos of your kids or you children& share them with all of us over at Ashley Sisk's blog! Enjoy peeking at everyone's favorites& don't forget to leave some sweet comments! Let me know in the comments if you're participating& I'll make sure to check out your photos as well!

Oh, and a bonus photo of Miss Penny because I love it& you guys clearly aren't sick of my puppy yet ..right?!

Okay. I'm officially done now. I have re-entered the blog world with a Top '12 post& hopefully a resolution to get back to some serious blogging dedication in the new year! Hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas season& has NYE plans that are perfect for them :)