My Site

May 03, 2011


Today I woke up early to drive Karli, Puppy& Skunk to the Halifax airport.
I will miss her .. off to bigger& better things for her! Fingers crossed her piggies survive without too much trauma! LOL.

So, we made it fine to Halifax airport. I parked. I said goodbye. I went to leave. I tried REALLY hard to leave.

30 minutes later? Still trying to leave. OH MY GOD. HOW DO I GET OUT OF THIS PARKING GARAGE?! Panic is slowly setting in .. along with frustration. I'm contemplating just driving through a window. Or a gate. Finally, I stalk down a man who sort of explains it to me.

My 30 minute stupidity cost me an extra $2.00 ..are you serious?! We should adopt paying for stupidity for everyone. We'd be rich. The Halifax airport may be onto something. Oh well.

The drive home was nice .. whole day flew by, really. Learned lots of things on radio shows& got my photo of the day :)

Delightful foggy weather, eh?

Oh well .. in honor of trying to make the sun shine down on us .. here's a feel good May thing. AKA I wanted to practice something with photoshop. And then post it. Why? I have no idea. I like photos ..even bad ones. Which is apparent from some 365 photos I have ahaha

So, what is the weather like where YOU are?! Hopefully better than where I am. Come on mother nature, bring us some sunshine& mild temps! Sick of this current weather.

PS funniest search result from today?

What does that even mean?!