My Site

January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Happy spooky Friday, everyone! I spent the day dressed in a skirt& tank top while building a snowman outside& then taking a self-portrait with him. Week 2 of a photo of me a week for an entire year is accomplished :D I braved the chilly weather& got a really fun self-portrait. Want to see it? Just click here! This evening I have grand plans of enjoying a few vodka-pineapples& baking with some girlfriends. My camera is coming along with me so I should have some pretty fun photos for the next post. Any photo that occurs after 12AM may also end up being my photo of the day just a heads up for you ladies! Tomorrow, after a fun evening of drinks, I have to be at the pool for 9AM for a full day course. I can only imagine how fabulous that is going to be. I'll also have my camera with me for that. I probably won't take any photos though because I'll be too busy pretending to learn ;) Then I have a belated birthday supper with family tomorrow evening ..where there will be more photos taken. Jeeze ..maybe I should pack my extra battery!

This guy will be there. He never turns down a good meal ..then again, neither do I so I guess we're pretty evenly matched there. I am excited because we're going to a little place that has my favorite dessert in the entire world- crème brûlée! Yum. This is only place on our island that I have found that makes it. I'm sort of hoping every single person at dinner orders it for dessert then gives them alllll to me.

In fact, if it wasn't for that guy up there in the photo, I never would have tried crème brûlée. It was his brother, David, who made it for me for the first time. I sort of wish David would move back here& then become my personal dessert maker because I love fancy desserts but have no idea how to make them. Okay, enough daydreaming about my post-supper snack tomorrow. I have things to do pack up my vodka& pineapple for this evening! Enjoy your weekend, folks. I hope it is completely fabulous!

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