My Site

December 31, 2011

Goodbye, 2011

I have nothing interesting to say about 2011 or about a new year. I have no plans for tonight, I have no resolutions& in general, I don't really think January 1st is nearly as big a deal as people make of it! I am going to try to tackle 365 once again this year. I'm going to try to get one shot a week of the pup& one shot a week of myself. Self-portraits are an art. One I want to perfect. I attempted last night. I managed to get the one right below. Decent but I'm no self-portrait genius by any means. Also, I really needed a shower& maybe even some makeup. Oh, well.

Today DOES mean, however, that there are only a measly 12 days until my birthday! Oh, my birthday. How it is my favorite part of the year. Cake, presents& being all about me. I hate having stranger's attention on me but I'll take it from friends& family on my birthday. So much fun. Today I'm going to go for a run (may as well end 2011 on a good foot, right?), purchase some helium balloons& then take some photos. I bet you're intrigued now, aren't you?!

Also, keep an eye out for tomorrow's post. Linking up with Ashley Sisk for a top 25 prompts post! Some of them you guys have never even seen. I'm sneaky like that ;) Enjoy your last evening of 2011& don't forget to ring in 2012 the right way ..
If you're single- drunk& making out with someone you will only have a hazy recollection of tomorrow. If you aren't single- make sure you kiss the right person!

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