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February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day!

Today is a day of love! I hope everyone has some kind of love in their life that they can embrace today .. significant others, parents, siblings, cousins, best friends, animals (one of the best kinds of love, really. Missing my pony today! Thank goodness for puppy) or anyone really. Tonight I am heading out for a dinner with the boyfriend and a nice evening.

Aside from today being a day of love, it was also a day of stormy weather. There was a big accident involving a bus just before my university and in an effort to make it to class on time, I was in the passing lane passing all these cars going 20. I didn't stop to think WHY they were going 20, when all of a sudden I rounded the corner and BAM! Traffic was at a dead stop. Oops. Luckily, my studded tires saved me from an accident and I was only 3 minutes late for class. Moral of the story? Don't speed unless you have studded tires and good reflexes.

I am going to have to start mentally cataloging what I discuss throughout the day because I usually spend most of it laughing and then I get home and go to write a blog post and what happens? I can't really remember what was so amusing or what I did. Perhaps I need to work on my short term memory?

So, I don't have a photo of the day yet. I'm going to go take one now and upload it in a few minutes. I am not sure what to take today, I know it should probably be love themed but I can't think of anything in this house that has hearts on it. So, until that moment in time that I find a photo, there is going to be nothing underneath this post. So, for now .. I leave you to enjoy your day of love and check back later to check out my photo of the day :)

WOW! It only took me about 20 minutes to get my photo .. upload it .. and post it! It doesn't have a true Valentine's Day theme because I couldn't be bothered leaving my room (so lazy.) but it IS pink and purple flowers, so the colors are right! Enjoy:

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