The afternoon / evening was GORGEOUS. So nice out with lots of snow .. I was about as happy as you can be in this season! Garret FINISHED my light box and it is awesome. He's going to bring it to me tomorrow ... I will then spend WAY too much time playing with it. So, after playing with it tonight, we did dinner, movie and tea. Boston Pizza for pasta was delicious. So delicious that I definitely ate too much. Then we decorated a heart for Heart& Stroke Foundation and headed off to cheap movie night! We saw The Mechanic - about a super specialized assassin. It was very predictable but I am not complaining. I picked the last few movies, plus Garret paid!
After a late tea, we drove around in the Jeep and then I tried to get a cool photo of the Jeep spraying snow while turning ..however I definitely need to work on my nighttime photography because it all sucked. So, we gave up on that idea and I took a scenic shot. It didn't turn out the best, so I'm hoping a little photoshop will save it! After taking my photo, Garret wanted to go to sleep so he did. And I drove home .. now I'm curled up with my doggy and trying to pretend I'm not getting sick. It's really just not working out for me. I can feel that I'm going to lose my voice.
The one thing that beats out a shitty 365 and getting sick?! NEW HAIR TOMORROW! I still have no idea what I'm going to do with it fingers crossed that it works out. I am cautiously optimistic. So many bad haircuts, so little time.
So, here is Day Five of 365! Only 360 left to go .. ps sorry tonight's also isn't that good. I need to really stop doing these last minute and in a hurry. Oh well.

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