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May 01, 2011

Extreme Couponing.

Holy crap. So I kept seeing previews& commercials for this show .. I wanted to watch it simply because it was so amazing to me. Well, I get in from the barns& click on the TV. Extreme Couponing is on. Just call me hooked. It has inspired me to want to learn.

There was a guy who bought $887 worth of things for ..are you ready? It is so amazing.

Next lady bought 4 carts worth of stuff ..costing $1,902.63. So. What did she pay? Guess.

Are you SERIOUS?! I can completely get behind not spending money on stupid things like food& toilet paper. The less money I have to spend on stupid things, the more I have for puppies, ponies& plane trips! I am getting behind this idea. Plus, they only have to shop once every 2 months or something. I would do smaller but equally awesome shopping.

JK. I'm way too lazy but the idea is super intriguing!