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February 28, 2011

The Oscars!

I watched for about 20 minutes but I find Anne Hathaway just too awkward to enjoy it. Tomorrow AM I can google 'Oscar winners' and get a complete list! Instead, I'm watching Big Bang Theory since I didn't get much watching time while at work. I spent it questioning why I have to deal with the people I do (save a few people. Some of them are actually pleasant and have personalities. Increasingly, most do not). Please, I will say it again: be nice to us lowly corner store workers. We are nice to you. Oddly, I'd be nice to you even if I didn't have to because it was my job. Return the favor!

So, there was a big amount of no blogging going on here in my little wonderful world. Why you demand to know?! On Friday AM, at 8, I fled the island to go to the big city, aka Halifax. As you well know, since I asked you to pray for the survival of myself and my friends. I was doing my first big girl drive there. It went fine .. which I figured, but thanks for the prayers anyway. I'm sure it helped it worked a miracle. Although, I'm an excellent driver so maybe not. What I should have asked for was for prayers for a sense of direction. Many a trip to Halifax, never have I ever spent much time wondering about how we got where we were going. Oopsy. Aside from my lack of direction, I will give a breakdown of the trip:

Friday: Long drive to Halifax. Some good laughs. Rain. It ALWAYS is bad weather when I go driving. Ugh. Got to Halifax, went to the Mic Mac. Bought a bra that basically had breast implants inside it. Then, got an Orange Julius. Checked into hotel .. drank vodka from a skull, which was SO bad ass. Granted, I drank it while curled under a duvet and contemplating just sleeping like the old lady I am. I was convinced to put on a scandalous dress from American Apparel (not really scandalous ..just more than my denim one lol) which was black and tight and had paint splatters on it. So, off we went to the Dome / Cheers / Sky Dome. Marg met up with friends ..I people watched from the top ..2 men got in a fight over a black woman while I was 2ft away (I see this behavior a lot for some reason) ..various other things occurred.
Then we went back to the hotel at 2.30AM and woke up Karli, who opted to sleep instead of head out. Smart decision when you consider just how COLD it was out!!

Some various other things happened (late night hair washing, swimming pre-supper, photoshoots, etc), but the most important is Your Father's Mustache. We had some delicious drinks .. lots of laughs and most importantly: I had a FABULOUS pasta supper. It was Caesar salad, garlic cheese bread and Grown Up Mac& Cheese. Don't say I'm not expanding my palate ahahaha SO good. I adore that place.

The next morning, I proceed to wake up way earlier than the others ..go for a walk.. come back ..they wake up. Idle curiosity makes me wonder: WHY DO I NOT SLEEP? Sweet sweet god. I especially was anxious because I forgot my eReader so I was super bored! We get ready, leave the city and head to Dartmouth Crossing <3 We went to Jack Asters, I was SO excited to eat my food: A deluxe bacon cheeseburger. Sounds mouthwatering, doesn't it? I was so happy. It was gross. It was shredded Kraft cheese .. overcooked hamburger .. an incredibly rude waitress ..and lastly, something Mom can appreciate. The strangest thing ever, that I have only EVER seen my mother do; put ice in milk! Karli and I took it out with forks. Onto Dartmouth Crossing, nothing exciting really happened. Bought some clothes at Tommy, bought some nose rings. Lastly, SAW AN AMAZING PUPPY DOG. Bouvier des Flandres. Look them up. Garret and I are going to get one. Right, boyfriend?! I know you're reading this!! They are hypo-allergenic, they have amazing personalities, sharpest looking dog I've seen in a LONG time .. so beautiful. Karli and I spent a long time discussing how we were going to get one for ourselves ahaha. So, after that we got tea and headed home. The roads sucked, surprisingly enough. After arriving home, I threw my things half downstairs / half still in the stairway .. and headed to get Garret and go for a delicious meal to make up for my lack of delicious at Jack Asters. We got Irish Nachos and mozza sticks from Don Cherrys. DELICIOUS. Then we got tea and went back to his place to watch Hoarders. This post is incredibly long I'll skip the part where I discuss what Hoarders was about and I'll even skip over my trip to Pets Unlimited today (RABBITS. For both Hoarders and my trip.), except one part: We saw love birds and they were in love and the momma was sitting on eggs!!! So sweet. I got photos. Then we saw Nemo fish .. then I went to work. The end. Now, photos of the day: Friday wasssssss a photo of the skull vodka ..because it was delicious and who can resist?!

After that, it was Saturday. I'm not going to lie ..Saturday my camera didn't make it out of the purse. I forgot in all my puppy glory / burger disappointment. Instead, you're getting TWO photos from my pet store adventures today. The first is the love bird .. the second is the fish. Enjoy and I'm sorry I cheated on the days :( PS I've completely lost track of what days I'm on. I'll have to work on figuring that out. Not now though.
Dad love bird <3 So handsome.

Momma watching her eggs ..Garret had given her straw from the bunny cage to help her with her nesting needs. My boyfriend is so kind and considerate! I couldn't decide on what particular photo to post ..mostly I love all of them.

NEMO. What up buddy? You are awesome. I want a salt water tank.
Also a photo of an angry parrot. They openly admit he's a cranky jerk, but leave him free to roam. Danger, danger.
Cute photo though!

Also, we thought these birds were dancing and Garret took a video. Turns out they were regurgitating their food into each other mouths. Hahahahahaha. Also, I have photos from Halifax. I will post them into photobucket and attach the link so that you can look at them :) Until then, I hope you enjoyed what is, perhaps, the longest post I've written so far. It has nothing to do with the Oscars.
ps -my trip photos!