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February 14, 2012

Selfie Pinspiration

I know, I know. Everyone is on Pinterest. I am not that late to the party ..I've been there for quite some time now. Since embarking on Project 366& my weekly self& pup portraits, I cannot thank Pinterest enough. I know, it's only halfway through February but I'd have already been out of ideas for myself, my dog& my other five days through the week. I usually start by looking up some great pins, imagining how I'm going to recreate the look, get the setup going& then end up with a shot that look nothing at all like the image I was trying to recreate. I am not sure what that means ..does anyone else have this problem? I usually think my end result is a lot less spectacular than the one I was originally looking at but, oh well. That all being said, I pin lots of photos to Inspiration boards& hope for the best.

Last week, I officially failed one of my resolutions. I lost track of the days& managed to forget to do a self-portrait. That sucks. So, I made sure not to forget this week by getting it done first thing! I was sort of dreading it but I took off my lazy clothes& started playing dress up. First, I found the purple birthday skirt I got from Meg& used to make my dog a ballerina. So I put it on .. don't judge. I got everything ready& snapped a photo.

Linked with Tones on Tuesday

Okay. So this wasn't my first shot. It wasn't even my first outfit (..or my last) but the first 20 aren't worth mentioning ;) I kind of like this shot for some reason which shocks me because I didn't like in camera. Another one of those times I'm glad I learned to never delete things until they are uploaded. Since I didn't originally love this one, I decided purple skirt just wasn't really working out for me. Time for my third outfit change. I opted for my jean dress from Le Chateau. It is prettier than you would think a jean dress would be. Seriously .. just keep scrolling& you'll see it!

Sweet Violet& Tutorial Tuesday! Check them out :)

Neat, eh? I actually love this shot. The best part is that the background is just my regular wall with a texture overlay. I grabbed the martini glass from my bookshelf& channeled my inner socialite. I don't even really know what that means but I know they only drink fancy things ..hence not just picking up the entire vodka bottle like I had planned from the start!

Self-portraits have become so much more fun than I ever thought. I love planning& shooting them ..even when getting the zoom& focus right makes me want to cry. I just think it's a great learning experience because you never know when these skills might come in handy. Terrorists attack& the only thing keeping me alive? Photojournalism& some snappy action portraits!

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