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February 16, 2012


Yesterday was the day of love. I have to admit, I'm not really a fan. Call me crazy but I expect my boyfriend to love me every single day of the year, not just February 14th. Does anyone out there go all out for the day? I hear of crazy overspending in the media but never in real life.

We went for a drive, did an early supper then hung out in his friend's garage where I played with a husky pup! I also got orchids, an entire cake (which I demolished because it was delicious), a box of Oreos and to watch whatever I wanted on TV. He left& went to the TV in the garage to watch his show but hey's the thought, right? A bunch of people I know got engaged& so that was fun for them I am sure! Anyone who knows me knows I would say no to a person who proposed to be during a holiday. So silly. I want you to propose on a completely random day. With an empty ring box ..because I want to pick out my own ring. Then I want professional gorgeous fun photos& to elope. Mostly, I just want a pretty ring& fabulous photos.

None of that wedding stuff appeals to me. The thought of planning a wedding, trying to find enough people I like to have a wedding party (let alone a wedding audience), color schemes, venues all just makes me want to cry. Or curl up& nap until it is over. I recently heard of something called Surprise Weddings& have decided that's what I'll do.

A surprise wedding is when you don't tell the people you're inviting it's a wedding. So, you'd get everyone together for a barbeque or a party then SURPRISE! You guys get married. I think this is so fun& awesome. I imagine summer, sunshine& pretty dresses. A quick ceremony& then you are done. Awesome. Has anyone out there done this?!

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